Friday, April 15, 2011

John 7

Thoughts from John 7: 

v. 1: Jesus didn't want to go to Judea. 
  1. His time wasn't come
  2. He didn't want to be hated by the people (even though he knew he would be)
v. 3-5: His brother's didn't understand; they wanted Him to go

v. 6-7: Jesus told them, "Your time is always ready. The world can not hate you." 
           We always have a time (a job) to do for God.  Our time is always ready.
           The world can not hate us BUT they can hate the Jesus they see IN us and through us.

v. 17: If you want/seek to do God's will He will tell you/let you know that which you are to do AND through
         the Bible you'll know if it's from God or yourself.

v. 28:  We know Jesus's facts but we do not know Him.

v.33:  Only a little time is left before you won't be able to find Him.

v.37: If you're thirsty -get your water now before it runs out.

3 Kinds of People

v.40:   1. People with old facts/skeptics (don't understand)  "Truely this is the prophet"

v. 41a: 2. People who knew without doubt (understood) This is the Christ"

v.41b: 3. People with facts but no faith/relationship (understood/rejected)
           They were jealous, filled with disbelief
           If you're not with Jesus then you're with the enemy

3 Kind of Leaders

v.46: 1. Officers (didn't understand)
         They squashed their potential belief because they were followers.
         They were following others blindly.

        2. Pharisees (understood/rejected)
         They were all about appearances/tradition over choosing application/relation.

         3. Nicodemus (trying to understand)
          He was seeking the truth. 

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