Saturday, April 9, 2011

Social Skills Classes


Spring social skills class are are starting this week at work.  In the past this has caused me a lot of anxiety BUT we have a super program going now that is tons of fun and I'm really excited for the groups to start.  We have three groups going a 3-6 year old group, Chugga-Bugs: Chugging Along (Our previous group was Chatterpillars);  a 7-12 year old group, The Social Lights; and a 13-18 year old group which is called People Skills 102: Friends (cause teens are too cool for cutesy names, to bad).   I'm co-teaching the Chugga-Bugs group and teaching the highschoolers.  Love my highschoolers - first day is always fun cause 1.) I look like a highschooler and 2.) all my students are taller than me :) Good times. 

Still have lots of work to do to get the highschool group ready but Chugga-Bugs is good to go - got the music, got the activities, got the paperwork completed - ready to roll.  To bad I don't know how to put music on these things or else I'd share some of our Chugga-Bugs songs with you - they're pretty awesome. :) 

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