Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day Two

Day Two: Saturday. Breakfast - doesn't look so great, didn't taste so great, but it was filling. We hiked up to the second falls today. The first falls we had to hike around and then pull our backpacks up the fall. Then it was a long, long hike up hill through the canyon and gravel to the second fall, which was smaller than the first fall, but it was a good, energetic hike for the day. Saw some dead rats, a live rat ate mom's sandal, saw some lizards, a bird or two...I got eaten by a giant rock whale...then we hiked back down, made camp for the night in some rocks since we weren't sure if it was going to rain and possibly flood the canyon. Played some Pocket Farkle, ate dinner which looked like bodily waste (seemed to be a theme for our food on this trip) and went to sleep. Oh, did I mention...This was the day I got sick :(

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