Thursday, January 12, 2012

I love my job!

I love my job!
Today I built electrical circuits to provide a hands-on visual to a client with an Auditory Processing disorder and show that when there are too many distractions your brain does not function (my client kept trying to add extra pieces to the circuits) and that when you can't figure out why something doesn't make sense you probably are missing a piece of the puzzle (as in you are missing a part of the circuit or you heard the wrong information and thus the circuit will also not work).  I thought it was pretty genius at the time but now it sounds confusing when I read it....oh well....they seemed to learn something so it was all good. 
Also I blew tons of bubbles, played with baby dolls, went shopping to a pretend grocery store, played with balls, built a train set and played trains, played with a toy construction set and pounded in lots of wooden nails with plastic Handy Manny tools and practiced lots and lots of consonants and vowels and single words and phrases and sentences in English and Spanish. 
Then when I got home I had two new "therapy" magazines FULL of new toys and new games and new books to's like window shopping and making a Christmas list all at the same time. 
I love toys and I love that I get to buy them and play with them everyday while teaching my clients how to play and talk.  
Thus I have the best job ever and I love it....Even on the days when I have my clients who have behavior issues and wipe a hundred snotty noses. 

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