My whole weekend has past in much this same state. . .If I was a smaller (i.e. younger not physically sized smaller) person I would meltdown an wallow around in my pain and pull on my ears and scream and cry just like this poor little girl. It also doesn't help that I am knowledgeable about the cause of my pain and also that there is nothing I can do to help it. Stupid ear infection has left me dizzy, out of energy, and in tons and tons of pain.
I havn't had this kind of an ear infection since I was younger. Part of my syndrome is that my right ear canal is what they call tortuous, which made me prone to horrible ear infections when I was little. I remember weeks of going around with a hat or headband over my ear to keep noises muffled more and wind out to ease the pain.

That's basically what yesterday, last night, and today have been like...I've tried all the natural remedies I know of, taken all the over the counter medications, and even tried strange things I read about online like cutting onions in half and holding them over your ears for 10 minutes to draw out the poison. Nothing is working. So. . .I lie around in misery and drink lots of fluids and take Advil every 4 hours to help it not hurt quite so much. Hopefully my doctor will get back with me soon to give me some better medication and/or the fluid will decide it's not welcome and go away. I need to get back to work and life and functioning normally. I do not like having my plans derailed. I had a HUGE list of things to do over the weekend and instead spent it all sleeping. Friday evening = sleeping, Saturday = sleeping, Sunday = sleeping, Monday = sleeping. Ridiculous.
If I'm not better tomorrow I may have to pull on my ears and scream a little just to feel better.
Scream-therapy is supposed to work really well.
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