Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last Adventure: Snow Caming in Feb.

This was our second, annual, February snow camping trip.  Last year I talked Martin and Sarah into going snow camping with me and this year we talked Randy, Amanda, and Mike into coming along too.  This was our campsite (note my little yellow tent far, far away from the guys tents). 
 Randy brought a sled.  It was really fast.  I had to break hard at the bottom or else I'd hit the trees.
 Amanda and I trying double sledding - didn't work so well cause our feet kept falling off and snagging us.
 We had a nice hike around part of the lake on Sabbath and stopped on some big rocks to eat lunch.
 Sarah and I taking a break from digging our snow cave.
 Shoveling out the entrance while Sarah is digging out the inside.
 It was big enough for 4 people to sleep comfortably with room to sit up and move around. We were dedicated.
 Warming up and eating dinner around Randy's fire.
 Inside the snow cave, Sarah and Mike slept in the snow cave - the rest of us stayed in our tents.
 Everyone (except Mike who took the picture) playing Farkle.
Outside the snow cave.

The End

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