Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Flu

Well it finally got me.  I've been working with small children for the last two years and finally came down with the flu bug.  It has not been a pleasant experience.  Last time I had the flu was 3 or 4 years ago and it took me out for a week.  Hopefully this time it will be just 48 hours.  Woke up yesterday morning with a pain in my gut but I sucked it up like any good worker and went to work, at 11 am I was puking over my office trashcan and calling my coworker to come get my client.   Spent the day sleeping and puking and sleeping some more.  Also have the fevers and such and today its about the same - only less puking because there's nothing left in me. So . . . hopefully after another day of sleeping and medicine I will be good to go tomorrow. 

It's horrible taking time off from work when I have SO MANY clients. Plus, it's the end of the month and really hard to reschedule them.  So I end up feeling guilty for being sick, which is probably not good for the healing process.  Oh well - back to bed I go. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just got online after a week . My poor Jen I wish I had bveen there for you. I love you so much.