These pictures are of the girls from my class that came. From left to right... Lauren, Tamara, Danica, Me, and Stefi, and Amy's in the front.
So, the "ok" sign in sign language is the number 9, which everyone could do fine with an "o" infront of it, except Amy and I. My "o" is retarded and her "9" is. Oh well, we tried. Also this was a retirement party for Dr. Lowry. She's been here as faculty since 1974 - way before any of us were even born. To bad for us because she's a really good professor, knows pretty much all there is to know about articulation, phonology, and stuttering. So we're all sad we don't get her to teach our stuttering class next year - but at least we had her for artic. and phonology. Also, she's the professor that I work for on Thursdays. Esther and I help out in her Diagnostics (testing) class. The juniors and transitional masters students practice giving us tests, which we then score and grade. Fun stuff.

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